
From WikiDeal

The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is planned to provide the following wiki-managed features:

  • Models of ready to use and customizable contracts (“deals”), agreements and rules of functioning.
    • Each contract includes optional clauses to help make fair deals, such as adapted conditions of payment, cancellation terms, easy authentication of signatures...
    • Each clause of each contract is easy to adapt, edit, comment, explain and refer to laws and stats.
  • Automated scenarios helping dealers select and respect each clause of their deals, raising awareness with tutorials, reminders, amendments, alerts, stats
  • Conflict prevention and resolution between WikiDealers using coaching, mediation and arbitration.
  • Fair deal enclosure options (executing, cancelling and settlement with compensation or transfer).

Which deals are we talking about?

First, peer-to-peer deals for everyday life, including:

  • Services such as transportation, freelance, internship…
  • Renting goods (functional economy) including hosting, vehicles, clothes…
  • Buying and selling (ticketing for shows, real estate, food, machines…).
  • Loans of goods without middle men (from loaning funds to books or bikes).
  • Partnership (employment, pre-nuptial/marriage/divorce, co-owning goods…)
  • All other types of deals humans can imagine.

Then, deals with multiple stakeholders, such as:

  • Leasing including three parts: buyers, sellers and loaners (banks, insurance, funds…).
  • Social contracts and rules for shared real estate, such as condominiums and communities.
  • Private-public partnership, such as those to protect forests or assess quality of products.
  • Franchising agreement (such as those between TED Foundation and TEDx event licensees).
  • Joint ventures (from co-working to buying shares of a company).
  • Pedagogical signage to respect deals, such as waste management rules on a public toilet.

Why do we need WikiDeal?

See principles.

How does it work?

Clauses of deals are published by users under the CC BY-SA 4.0, just like Wikipedia articles. So you can use, adapt and redistribute your models freely.

Customized services are provided by freelancers and small companies, including coaching to design a fair deal, mediation and simplified arbitration to solve conflicts, adapting models to diverse contexts and gathering new markets.

For who?

For everyone! You can freely use the models of deals for any bilateral or multilateral deals.