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Revision as of 03:39, 1 December 2023 by Creativesoul (talk | contribs)

The following copyrights policies are applied :

Content : using CC-BY-SA licence

User's private data (name, address, private data inside contracts) : owned exclusively by each user, independently from wikideal platform.

Original Wikideal idea/concept : Théo Bondolfi, inspired by Florence Devouard on Wikimedia Governance and by Richard M. Stallman on free software philosophy and his GNUPedia initial vision.

Wikideal Trademark & domain name : owned by Théo Bondolfi, to be transferred to the community of users (using the e2c.how model where users "buy back" the company to it's founder-s) as soon as a first set of formal contracts are launch.

Auditing (irrelevant in this copyright page, but useful to give a global vision of the fair wikideal governance under construction) : www.ynternet.org foundation members for and its independent accounting auditing organ (in 20023 : fiduciaire Fidassist SA), under surveillance of Swiss Federal authority.