WikiDeal Logo
WikiDeal Logo

Fair deals with nice people

WikiDeal in a nutshell? The Wikipedia of deals.

WikiDeal is a community and platform providing models of contracts to sell, rent, employ, share...

Like on Wikipedia, you can freely access, edit and adapt these contracts, for any context and needs. Each model is connected to a community of users, providing comments and feedback.

Who owns WikiDeal? It's a common owned by its users.

Users can contribute to developing the platform's technology, legal support and new marketplaces. Coaching to design and adapt deals, mediation & arbitration for fair compensation...

How is it governed?

WikiDeal gathers the highest standards on ethics, privacy, customer support, free licensing, low costs and high efficiency, inspired by the Wikipedia participative governance.

Try our prototype

You can find our alpha-version proof of concept at, which is made of two parts:

  1. A “contract builder” which allows you to use a one of the contract templates that are on our wiki, customize it with our own information, and export the result.
  2. A “contract uploader” which allows you to contribute the contracts that you have used in the past, so that the Wikideal community can use them as inspiration to build new contract models or improve existing ones.

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